Hire A Software Developer

Find the best freelance Software Developers for hire on FreeUp.

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What Can A Freelance Software Developer Do For You?

  • Custom Software Projects

    Hire a developer to help with custom software development projects. Explain what you need, let them create a game plan, and get to work.

  • Build Project Requirements

    Meet with a software developer to share your project and create specific requirements for your project. You can use them to complete the project or use their outline to hire someone else from the FreeUp network.

  • Automate Operations

    Work with a software developer to automate certain aspects of your operations to create more efficiency.

  • Improve Customer Experience

    Hire a software developer to create customer facing programs to improve the customer experience.

How To Hire A Freelance Software Developer

1. Create Account

Free to sign up. No minimums. Gain immediate access to the marketplace.

2. Submit a Request

Request the VA, freelancer, or agency you need. Meet a pre-vetted option within 1 biz day.

3. Hire the Best Fit

Have a 15-20 minute interview. Then hire the best VA, freelancer, or agency.

4. Track Hours and Billing

Reviews hours billed by freelancers and pay every Thursday.

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Awesome support team, and the CEO is soo cool. Can't think of a better platform than FreeeUp.

Princess R. View review


24/7 Customer Service Assistance and cool CEO.

June Policarpio Del R. View review


A great platform that provides only the best freelancers. High-quality, pre-vetted talent, with amazing customer service.

Pat A. View review


Been working for a year now and it's the best platform I've ever been to. The customer care is excellent and fast. Join now!

Yhong Villarosa T. View review


We've had a fantastic experience with our first VA that FreeUp helped hook us up with. Thanks.

Greg G. View review

  • As seen on:

Software is essential for all kinds of businesses. These skills span all industries with more than 1.3 million software developing jobs across the country. 

This absolute need for software development has made it a very popular career. With so many developers out there, hiring a software developer can be overwhelming. The work they will do is critical for the success of your company, so you want to make the right choice. 

Follow our guide to easily recruit and hire the perfect software developer for your business. 

1. Focus on Specific Software Skills

The overall scope of what software and web developers can do is outstanding. Their services cover such a wide range that it’s important to scale that down to just what you need. 

Software developers can design websites, including any coding that is needed on the front or back end of the website. They can create the tools needed for the right customer experience. 

Some are even trained in the design aspects of web development, which can be a big bonus if you need those services as well. 

Before you even begin the search for your new software developer, you should make a very specific list of the skills you need from them. Then you can test their skills against the list you’ve made to make sure they’re the right fit. 

2. Look for Good Communication Skills

A software developer is a critical part of a team. They work with other members of the business to create the product. 

Because software or web development is such a collaborative effort, you need to be hiring programmers who have great communication skills. They will need to work with members of the marketing team, product development, customer service, design, and many others. 

These software developers need to be able to interpret the ideas from the overall team. Then take that information and turn it into the final product. They also need to be able to communicate if there are problems and work with others to find the solution. 

The software developer needs to be an effective, helpful member of the team. 

3. Use a Panel for Interviews

The role of a software developer is so critical, yet, it might not be clear how to interview candidates to find the best one. 

Most companies find it very helpful to use a panel when interviewing for the position. Having a few people in the interview can help make sure all of the right questions are asked. 

The different personalities of the team will also be on display to see how the developer fits in. 

Different members of the team will also be looking for different skills from the developer. Having more people present will make sure that this new member of the team will have the skills to help everyone. 

A software developer plays a major role in all areas of a company, using a panel will help the entire company feel they’ve got the best candidate instead of just one department. 

4. Quote for Overall Cost for Software Development

As with any business decision, you have to know the overall cost before committing to using the service. 

Software developers can work with a company in two different ways; part of the in-house team or as a freelancer. An in-house team member will be there every day and paid as the other employees (hourly or salary). 

But a freelancer will get paid for each project and each individual charges for that work slightly differently. This range of prices is likely due to the experience level of the developer. You’re paying more for more expertise. 

It’s critical to discuss payment plans before hiring programmers so that you know what you’re paying for and what the overall cost will be. You don’t want to be surprised with a bill after the project is over. 

5. Look For a Developer With a Solution-Based Mindset

One of the reasons that a software developer is so important to the success of a business is because they are constantly solving problems. 

Those problems could be issues with the website or products in general. But it could also be a shift in the services you’re providing and what your customers need. Good companies are always adapting and changing, that’s possible in large part because of their developers. 

When recruiting developers, you want to look for someone who has a solution-based mindset. They are the applicant who can think outside of the box and find new answers to common problems. 

In hiring a software developer you want to look for someone who has the knowledge and skills to come up with the solutions, instead of one who is just checking off a to-do list. 

6. Give Realistic Software Development Tests

There really isn’t a way of knowing what programming skills the applicant has without seeing them. This is why a lot of companies looking to hire a software developer will put them through a series of tests to prove skill levels in addition to looking through their submitted portfolios. 

These tests are helpful to see what they’re capable of. But that doesn’t really help you to know if the candidate can do the job you need them to or not. 

Instead, you should offer a realistic scenario that applies directly to the work you do at your company. The applicant can then perform the task or solve the problem using their software development skills. This allows you to really see how they would handle the projects you throw at them. 

When you see the results they come up with, you can confidently choose a candidate that will work for you. 

7. Provide a Positive Environment

A software developer is one of the most popular jobs in America right now. And it doesn’t look like that will be changing anytime soon.

This popularity greatly increases the number of applicants you have to choose from. But it also does the same thing for the number of jobs each applicant can apply for. Their options are just as open as yours. 

So you need to make your work environment somewhere that the best software developers want to be. 

That includes giving some freedom for the developer to make decisions about programming, being open to suggestions, and giving fair compensation. When your work environment is positive it will attract the right kind of employee.

Best Process for Hiring a Software Developer

The right software developer can make your company even more successful. The work that they do changes how businesses run and how they serve their customers. 

It’s important to not just find any developer to do the work but to find the right one to bring your vision to life. Hiring a software developer who shares your goals and fits into your company will make all of the difference. 

If you’re looking for a software developer or other freelance services, contact us today!

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