Hire A Bookkeeper

Find the best freelance Bookkeepers for hire on FreeUp.

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What Can A Freelance Bookkeeper Do For You?

  • Keep Quickbooks Updated

    Hire a bookkeeper to manage your Quickbooks and keep it organized each month, so there are no issues when filing taxes at the end of the year.

  • Organize And Pay Team Members

    Hire a bookkeeper to handle all payroll related activities. Make sure your team members are paid on time and accurately.

  • Record Monthly Sales Tax Figures

    A bookkeeper can download all appropriate sales reports and filter out the ones you owe sales tax on.

  • Manage your Xero Account

    Do you use Xero for your accounting? Hire a bookkeeper with knowledge of the platform to handle all accounting.

  • Compile Weekly Financial Updates

    Receive weekly and monthly financial updates to see how your business is performing so you can make more intelligent decisions.

  • Create Financial Reports

    At the end of month, quarter, and year, use your bookkeeper to create reports you can make decisions based off of.

  • Work with Accountant For Year End Taxes

    Have your bookkeeper communicate with your accountant to put together your end of the year taxes.

How To Hire A Freelance Bookkeeper

1. Create Account

Free to sign up. No minimums. Gain immediate access to the marketplace.

2. Submit a Request

Request the VA, freelancer, or agency you need. Meet a pre-vetted option within 1 biz day.

3. Hire the Best Fit

Have a 15-20 minute interview. Then hire the best VA, freelancer, or agency.

4. Track Hours and Billing

Reviews hours billed by freelancers and pay every Thursday.

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Awesome support team, and the CEO is soo cool. Can't think of a better platform than FreeeUp.

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24/7 Customer Service Assistance and cool CEO.

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A great platform that provides only the best freelancers. High-quality, pre-vetted talent, with amazing customer service.

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Been working for a year now and it's the best platform I've ever been to. The customer care is excellent and fast. Join now!

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We've had a fantastic experience with our first VA that FreeUp helped hook us up with. Thanks.

Greg G. View review

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What is a Freelance Bookkeeper?


A freelance bookkeeper is an individual who provides bookkeeping services to businesses on a contractual basis. In essence, they are self-employed and usually work from home.

They maintain and update the financial records of their clients. This includes tasks such as invoicing, paying bills, and preparing bank reconciliations and management reports. They may also be required to assist with the preparation of annual accounts and tax returns.

They’re experienced in using accounting software packages. They offer a cost-effective solution for businesses that do not have the internal resources to maintain their own financial records.

Suppose you are thinking of engaging a freelance bookkeeper. In that case, it is important to ensure that they are qualified and have the relevant experience to meet the specific needs of your business.


Why Should you Hire a Freelance Bookkeeper?Hire-a-Freelance-Bookkeeper


If you’re looking to hire a bookkeeper, there are many reasons to consider going with a freelance bookkeeper over a traditional bookkeeping firm. Here are just a few reasons why you should hire one:

  1. Cost – hiring a freelance bookkeeper is often much cheaper than hiring a bookkeeping firm. This is because you’re only paying for the services of one person, rather than the overhead costs of an entire firm. 
  2. Flexibility – when you work with a freelance bookkeeper, you have the flexibility to choose when and how often you need their services. This is perfect for businesses that have fluctuating or seasonal bookkeeping needs. 
  3. Personalized service – when you work with a freelance bookkeeper, you can be sure that you’re getting personalized service. This is because they’re not dealing with the volume of clients that a firm is, so they can really take the time to get to know your business and your specific bookkeeping needs. 
  4. Expertise – you can be sure that you’re getting an expert in the field. This is because they’ve chosen to specialize in bookkeeping, so they have the knowledge and experience to really help you get your expenses and finances in place.


What Does a Freelance Bookkeeper Do?


In its simplest form, they’re responsible for maintaining financial records. This can include anything from creating and filing invoices to tracking expenditures and reconciling bank statements. A freelance bookkeeper can do all these things on a contract basis. This means they work remotely and have a more flexible schedule than an in-house bookkeeper.

Hiring a freelance bookkeeper is that they can help you save money on overhead costs. An in-house bookkeeper requires a salary, benefits, and office space. Whereas a freelancer can be hired on a per-project basis. This can be a great option for small businesses or startups that can’t afford to hire a full-time bookkeeper.

A freelance bookkeeper is that they can provide valuable insights into your business finances. They are not emotionally invested in your business, they can offer impartial advice on how to improve your financial systems. This can be helpful for business owners who are trying to make informed decisions about their finances.


What Is their Typical Pay Rate?


The typical pay rate is $15-$20 per hour. However, this can vary depending on their experience and the specific industry they work in. For example, those who work in the finance or accounting industry may earn higher hourly wages than those who work in other industries. Those who have more experience or possess specialized skills may also command higher hourly rates.

For pricing advice, you can also always check out FreeUp’s Pricing Guide!


How to Interview a Freelance Bookkeeper


You should always interview a prospective freelance bookkeeper before hiring them. Here are some tips on what to ask during the interview:

  1. What accounting software do you feel most comfortable using?
  2. What is your experience in bookkeeping?
  3. What are your rates?
  4. What is your availability?
  5. What are your strengths and weaknesses in bookkeeping?
  6. What do you think is the most important aspect of bookkeeping?

By asking these questions, you will be able to get a feel for the bookkeeper’s experience, rates, and availability. You will also be able to gauge their strengths and weaknesses. This information will help you decide if the bookkeeper is a good fit for your needs.


Contact Us Today

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at FreeUp to help you find a freelance Bookkeeper for your business. We can’t wait to answer your questions about hiring, whether over the phone, through a virtual call, or via email. We’re here for you.


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