Hire An Structural Engineer

Find the best freelance Structural Engineers for hire on FreeUp.

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What Can A Freelance Structural Engineer Do For You?

  • Structural Engineering

    Prepares designing calculations and performs other structural engineering tasks.

  • ACI

    Performs design reviews of structures including steel lattice structures, equipment facilities and foundations in support of infrastructure replacement program.

  • Shop Drawings

    Reviews structural calculations and shop drawings for projects under construction.

  • Pipe Supports

    Designs miscellaneous pipe supports and foundations.

  • Staad

    Performs calculations utilizing tools such as STAAD Pro V8i.

  • Engineering Support

    Provides Engineering support to establish proposals for new projects and current projects.

How To Hire A Freelance Structural Engineer

1. Create Account

Free to sign up. No minimums. Gain immediate access to the marketplace.

2. Submit a Request

Request the VA, freelancer, or agency you need. Meet a pre-vetted option within 1 biz day.

3. Hire the Best Fit

Have a 15-20 minute interview. Then hire the best VA, freelancer, or agency.

4. Track Hours and Billing

Reviews hours billed by freelancers and pay every Thursday.

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Awesome support team, and the CEO is soo cool. Can't think of a better platform than FreeeUp.

Princess R. View review


24/7 Customer Service Assistance and cool CEO.

June Policarpio Del R. View review

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