Hire An iOS Developer

Find the best freelance iOS Developers for hire on FreeUp.

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What Can A Freelance iOS Developer Do For You?

  • Develop Applications

    Design and build applications for the iOS platform

  • Software Testing

    Ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications

  • Application Administration

    Identify and correct bottlenecks and fix bugs

  • Software Maintenance

    Help maintain code quality, organization, and automation

  • Team Collaboration

    Collaborating with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features

  • UI and UX design

    Effective execution of UI/UX design in the making of an application

How To Hire A Freelance iOS Developer

1. Create Account

Free to sign up. No minimums. Gain immediate access to the marketplace.

2. Submit a Request

Request the VA, freelancer, or agency you need. Meet a pre-vetted option within 1 biz day.

3. Hire the Best Fit

Have a 15-20 minute interview. Then hire the best VA, freelancer, or agency.

4. Track Hours and Billing

Reviews hours billed by freelancers and pay every Thursday.

FreeUp is rated 4.9 out of 5.0 based on 144 reviews.


Awesome support team, and the CEO is soo cool. Can't think of a better platform than FreeeUp.

Princess R. View review


24/7 Customer Service Assistance and cool CEO.

June Policarpio Del R. View review


A great platform that provides only the best freelancers. High-quality, pre-vetted talent, with amazing customer service.

Pat A. View review


Been working for a year now and it's the best platform I've ever been to. The customer care is excellent and fast. Join now!

Yhong Villarosa T. View review


We've had a fantastic experience with our first VA that FreeUp helped hook us up with. Thanks.

Greg G. View review

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Need an app built but don’t know how? Have you Googled Apple iOS developer and are overwhelmed by the results?

You need a no-nonsense guide to hiring the right developer to create your application.

Apple’s App Store remains the most profitable app marketplace. There are over 2 billion apps available, with an average of 167 new apps being added daily.

But with millions of registered iOS developers who do you choose for your project?

This article examines what an Apple developer does, the skills they need, and what separates the wheat from the chaff. We look at how to hire a developer, how much it will cost, and the best place to find them.

Read on to discover how you can hire an iOS Developer like a Pro.

What Is an iOS Developer?

iOS is Apple’s operating system for iPhone, iPad, and other devices. Apple allows third-parties to create applications or apps to run on their system and users can download them from the Apple App Store.

An iOS developer builds software applications using one of two coding languages.

Objective-C was Apple’s sole programming language until Swift came along. Both are object-orientated and that offers power when programming and greater flexibility.

But an Apple iOS developer’s role goes beyond just coding. Ideally, they need to be part of a team.

iOS Development Teams

There are several roles within an app development team and they fall into three groups:

Junior iOS Developer

New team members assigned to senior developers to learn and better their skills. They usually have a basic understanding of app development but don’t have access to production code.

Middle iOS Developer

They have worked with the team in live projects by providing User eXperience (UX) control and coding. They understand software lifecycle development and assist senior developers in fulfilling tasks.

Senior iOS Developer

They know the best coding practices, deal with testing, security, and API integration. They’ve released multiple apps and work with the App Store to maintain and upgrade them.

Software Development Lifecycle

Releasing a great app doesn’t start and stop with some lines of code.

Like in any project, iOS development follows a lifecycle. A good development team needs to follow these six steps to produce the best product.

  1. Planning
  2. Analysis
  3. Design
  4. Implementation
  5. Testing and integration
  6. Maintenance

When you contact a development team you’ll discuss your requirements.

This planning phase is essential to create a blueprint for the end result. Project managers and senior developers should be there to guide you. Don’t be afraid to ask them questions.

From there the team analyses your competition and similar apps. They get a feel of what’s out there, what works and what doesn’t.

The design stage brings everything together. A design document specification (DDS) highlights what will happen and when. When you sign-off then work begins.

Building Begins

The implementation phase takes the blueprints and fleshes them out into code. The goal is an MVP or Minimum Viable Product. This is the finished app that matches your basic requirements.

You should have access to images and basic working models during this stage. Make sure you’re happy with the progress and if not, let them know.

Testing should happen on an on-going basis. When the app is nearly complete, you will have a copy to check for any bugs.

And when everything’s complete, your new app will go live on the App Store!

Make sure to allow for maintenance and bug fixes for the future. Apps need regular updates so how will that happen? And at what cost?

How Do I Hire an iOS App Developer?

Apple has 20+ million developers registered on its App Store with more being added every day. So how do sift through them to find the best person or team to match your requirements?

When hiring an iOS developer you have two options:

  1. Freelance
  2. In-house

In-house development is mainly used by larger firms like Uber or Facebook. They can afford to keep a permanent staff to build and maintain their Apple apps.

But if you need a quality app developed, consider the freelance route.

Freelance Developers

Freelancers offer a high skillset at a lower cost than in-house development. You can choose exactly who you want to hire based on your specific demands.

Because they aren’t employees there’s no need to worry about insurance or taxes. They work remotely so you don’t need office space, computers, or software.

You aren’t limited to an individual either.

Freelance teams bring a wealth of experience to your doorstep without you having to leave the room. They understand modern UX standards, Apple Human Interface guidelines, and current data legislation.

FreeUp searches the globe for the highest quality freelance iOS developers. We list only the top 1 percent so you’re guaranteed to find the best.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire an iOS Developer?

If you decide to hire a freelancer then the iOS developer salary ranges from $9-75 per hour.

Why the massive difference? It depends on where in the world the developer lives.

USA, UK, and Canada traditionally charge a higher rate. For example, in FreeUp, freelancers in these countries start at $35 per hour.

Why can’t I hire outside these regions? Surely they all do the same thing?

Many companies prefer to do business with a western firm due to the perceived language barrier. Other considerations include time zones and face-to-face meetings.

But if keeping costs low is a priority then consider other locations.

Mobile game development starts at $18 per hour elsewhere, less than half of the cost in the USA. iOS developer jobs in India, for example, produce quality code just like their western counterparts.

Language is becoming less of an issue as English is a common second language. If in doubt check their reviews. Contact their clients to ask about their experiences.

Hire the Best at FreeUp

Now you know how to hire an iOS Developer where’s the best place to find the right one?

FreeUp offers the best professional freelance and agency app developers for your business. 

We only list vetted developers so you can be sure you’re viewing the cream of the crop. And our simple 3-step process means you’ll meet the right hire within one business day.

Joining is FREE. Just fill in the form and you’ll get access to our marketplace in minutes.

Hire the best to be the best at FreeUp.

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