Hire A Software Engineer

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What Can A Freelance Software Engineer Do For You?

  • Software Design

    Plans and designs software for the end user to interact with

  • Developing and Testing System

    Build systems with automated instrumentation and monitoring. Ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of software.

  • Research and updates

    Tweak software and release updates regularly. Maintain IT documentation and update to new technologies. Consistently improve maintainability and stability of the codebase.

  • Team Collaboration

    Collaborate with Product & Business Operations teams to translate business requirements and build highly robust and scalable products.

  • Software Maintenance

    Help maintain code quality, organization, and automation

  • Create Instructions

    Create instructional materials that help other software engineers or developers utilize the existing software or create software of their own

How To Hire A Freelance Software Engineer

1. Create Account

Free to sign up. No minimums. Gain immediate access to the marketplace.

2. Submit a Request

Request the VA, freelancer, or agency you need. Meet a pre-vetted option within 1 biz day.

3. Hire the Best Fit

Have a 15-20 minute interview. Then hire the best VA, freelancer, or agency.

4. Track Hours and Billing

Reviews hours billed by freelancers and pay every Thursday.

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Many companies find themselves with the need to hire a reliable software engineer. But this isn’t a position that you can take just anyone for.

You need to understand how to ensure that they’re the right fit for your company (and how to find them in the first place).

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about how to recruit and hire a software engineer.

What Exactly Is a Software Engineer? 

Most people tend to use the terms software engineer and software developer interchangeably. This is often without issue in most industries, as their responsibilities are highly similar.

More specifically, though, a software engineer is responsible for designing and creating computer software and applications.

They typically have a degree in computer science, but there are cases where an applicant’s merits outshine their lack of formal education. They also often have a solid background in programming, which allows them to work closely with other types of professionals.

But software engineers will be in frequent contact with clients and developers. So they need to have excellent communication skills in order to succeed in this position.

Let’s take a look at a few of the most notable ways you can make hiring for this position an easier process for you and your company.

Optimize Your Hiring Process

Since software engineers are in such high demand across a wide variety of industries, it’s not likely that they’ll spend more than a month looking for a job. This means that companies with extensive hiring processes (such as an unreasonable amount of interviews or waiting time) are likely to be overlooked by the candidate.

So it’s imperative that you minimize how long it takes you to hire new employees. Making use of online platforms for finding workers is a great way to do so.

You can further expedite this process by ensuring that you offer a competitive salary.

Outsource Your Recruiting Responsibility

The average firm doesn’t have the time or manpower to go out and look for potential employees. Fortunately, working with recruiters is a reliable way to handle this obligation.

It’s also important to keep hiring managers from getting involved until later on during the recruitment process.

Since it’s a recruiter’s job to find a potential candidate, having two different types of employees work toward the same goal can reduce the efficiency of both.

Vet Candidates With a Coding Assessment 

Before you hire someone, you’ll need to ensure that they have both the required knowledge and skills for their position. One of the best ways to check for this criteria is through a coding assessment.

This will serve to accomplish two tasks:

  1. You’ll weed out the candidates who aren’t suitable for the job
  2. You’ll be able to see who not only passes the assessment but also excels at it

To further speed things along, you can delegate this responsibility to your recruiter. This will ensure that only qualified applicants move forward with the hiring process.

Consider Other Attributes Than Coding

As previously mentioned, software engineers need to have strong communication skills in order to succeed. Even if their coding ability is remarkable, they won’t be able to thrive or be as productive as possible without other quality attributes.

Similar to how you can assess applicants for their coding knowledge, you can do the same for their interpersonal communication skills. This also applies while screening for diligence and the ability to think logically.

Introducing the screening process early will narrow down the potential applicants that your hiring manager needs to deal with, resulting in a shorter hiring process that produces better quality candidates.

Consider the Long-Term

Technology is a field where people are constantly learning and improving. It’s not at all unlikely for someone who is unqualified to work at your firm today to be more than sufficient within 6 to 12 months.

So an applicant who was denied may return in the future for a second attempt at working for your company. Professionals who display quick and thorough self-improvement are often ideal employees.

As you may expect, though, this isn’t a likely occurrence if their experience with your hiring process was negative. While you won’t be able to satisfy every applicant by giving them a job, you could do your best to instill your hiring process with positivity.

This means being open about your requirements, communicating in a personal way, and encouraging those who did not meet your company standards to try again in the future.

You also have the added benefit of applicants recommending your company to others if they enjoyed their experience with your hiring process. For instance, a software engineer who barely missed the mark could still tell someone they know in the industry that your company seems like a positive environment to work in.

Over time, this will gradually increase the number of quality applicants that approach your company with the intent to work there, ultimately leading to better quality work and increased revenue.

Knowing the Best Way to Recruit and Hire a Software Engineer Can Seem Difficult

But it doesn’t have to be.

With the above information in mind, you’ll be well on your way to ensure that you recruit and hire the perfect candidate for the job.

Want to learn more about how we can help? Feel free to get in touch with us today to see what we can do.

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