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How convenient it is to express what you feel in just 140 characters. No long articles to read, just a few engaging and informal words, and that is all. We all want to reach out to more people on social media, and when you are using Twitter, it is all about getting more Twitter followers on your profile.
Just like you, I am also an active member on Twitter and I frequently end up exploring all blog posts about getting more followers on Twitter. Who doesn’t want to become popular on Twitter? Unfortunately, not all of us get the same level of attention on this striking social media platform.
What can you do to solve such a problem? Don’t lose hope as there are many proven ways through which you can enhance your profile’s visibility and increase your Twitter followers.
One of the smartest ideas is hiring an expert freelancer who can help you out with all the critical Twitter tweaks to push your followers up to the thousands.
Firstly, freelancers are less pricey than full-fledged professional firms. Secondly, you can use their expertise whenever you want. There are no minimums.
With the right freelancer working for you, you can significantly increase the number of Twitter followers on your account. Here are 6 ideas that you can have freelancers execute to skyrocket your Twitter followers:
When I started my Twitter account, I didn’t put my location on my profile. But after a freelancer suggested that I start to do it, the scenario changed.
One afternoon, I just mentioned that it’s a glorious day in Los Angeles. I started getting replies and retweets, and suddenly, I saw a huge number of people and businesses following me from the Los Angeles area. You can hire a freelancer to make similar suggestions and help you understand how such small things can set you on the right path.
As an online businessman, freelancers can be a great help to you. They can connect with you wherever you are living and working, and connect you with the nearby local businesses that you should be developing partnerships with. If you show a little love and appreciation for your neighbors and share good content, these freelancers who specialize in increasing Twitter followers can boost engagement even faster. They can reach out to influencers as well who will be happy to share the good content with their own Twitter followers.
Think about a brand that you like that isn’t too popular. Wouldn’t you want to share it with friends and family? You could easily make this happen if you showcased your enthusiasm on Twitter. Now, if your brand is the same boat, you can boost visibility by using smart sharing techniques. First, use freelancers to help you develop and then implement a strategy that can get you the most views and retweets. They can also help you get others to follow you to get better exposure and gather more Twitter followers.
If you use Buffer to gain followers – or another social scheduling tool of your choice – you won’t run the risk of bombarding your followers with loads of articles one morning and nothing for the rest of the day or week, even.
You probably don’t have the time to log into Twitter three times a day to spread out your posts. Freelancers can again help you here. They will also have the expert skills to use such tools. They can schedule your tweets strategically so you can reach a wider audience and have a greater chance of being appreciated. Your Twitter followers will like you instead of getting bored of you. They will also pay more attention to each tweet, so you will see an increase in your number of followers.
Posting your content multiple times a day will additionally extend the life of what you have invested in writing – whether you put your own time into it, or hired a freelancer to create content for you. And if you don’t have a lot of fresh content to share yet, you can always share older content. There’s no harm in sharing older posts if they are still relevant. Ask a freelance social media manager or content manager to put together a system to curate all your content so it can be properly organized for sharing. This way, you can share sensibly and have a better chance of becoming a go-to source of important information relating to your products, and of course, your brand. This will also naturally lead to more and more users following you.
If you are a writer or blogger, you must already know how nice it feels to get recognition from others for your work. Take this and apply it to how you respond to others on Twitter. Just recognizing other tweets can make a big difference. Again, if you don’t have time to go through your feed every few hours, you can always use a freelancer to scan and respond for you.
You can hire a freelancer to review tweets with shared content and express how useful the information is. This is always appreciated, and even more so when the author’s name is mentioned. Experienced Twitter freelancers also know how to express genuine appreciation in your tweets without sounding spammy. This is very important, since you want to communicate a sincere interest to preserve your image and build a positive brand image. By showing real interest in others’ contributions, you increase your chances of gaining Twitter followers who will also be appreciative of your shares.
If you find something on Twitter that interests you, get engaged in the conversation. For example, if someone asks a question and you feel that you have a good answer, write a reply. As with mentioning an author’s name, replying in a personal way can give you a valuable presence that can lead others in the conversation to like what you have to offer and follow you as a result.
It’s not that difficult to post a genuine reply, but freelancers who have been working with Twitter for a long time know the culture and how to share your views in a smart way that will be accepted and appreciated. For example, if an answer includes another user, a brand or a blog that they find genuinely useful, they will probably end up following not only the person who is engaged, but what was shared as well.
Again, if you are a blogger, or are open to hiring a freelance writer to compose value-adding posts for you, guest posting is a great opportunity. You can gain backlinks, which increases your exposure and helps you create some great relationships with people who are working in your niche. It can also get you more new Twitter followers as these other blogs’ audiences begin to see you and follow you on Twitter.
Just don’t forget to add your Twitter ID in your author bio and add the posts on Twitter sharing schedule. This is great exposure for your Twitter ID and a ton of fresh content to share that’s not from the same old link. Freelancers can also help you to find, choose, and reach out to the right websites where you can publish guest posts to attain the highest number of quality Twitter followers.
I can attest to the fact that these tips are incredibly effective. I have tried them myself, and my Twitter profile now has thousands of followers. All you have to do to start seeing more of your own Twitter followers is to make a move soon. Hire the freelancers you need to set up processes and start boosting your profile.
And, of course, don’t forget to share your result that you achieved in the comment section below!
Arina Thoggy is the content developer at BlurbpointMedia. She is passionate about technology, social media, and digital marketing. In addition, Arina also supports non-profit agencies that provide health-care solutions to handicapped and disabled people.
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